online store Tantric & Erotic Massages in Fuengirola – Tantra and Tantric
Erotic Massages Fuengirola

Tantric Massages Fuengirola

Who We Are

Erotic Massage near me

In Tantric Massages Fuengirola we put at your disposal a massage menu, designed exclusively to please you. We are in the heart of Fuengirola at few minutes from the Hotel Yaramar, on Avenida Ramón y Cajal, corner with Dr. Gálvez Ginachero the Hotel Florida SPA avenue (Leonardo Hotel Fuengirola Costa del Sol). It is a quiet residential area, 3 minutes from the Fuengirola Marina.

It is a strategic place near to the Hotel PYR Fuengirola, very convenient for our clients in terms of accommodation and discretion, where silence prevails for the maximum comfort of the session.

In our erotic massage center, you can hear yourself embraced thanks to a design explicitly designed to provide you with the memorable experience that you and your senses deserve. We have designed our massage rooms accordingly to the oriental tradition, to provide to our customer, sensations along the lines of tantric and zen. We maximize the relaxation and the harmony necessary to enjoy the experience that you will have in our paradise massage.

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The Erotic Masseuses

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Why choose an erotic massage in Fuengirola with us?

Step into a world where ecstasy knows no boundaries – the tantalizing realm of tantric massages in Fuengirola, where the massage rooms come alive with an aura of seduction and transformation. Here, indulgence meets enlightenment, and skilled masseuses unlock the gates to euphoria for discerning massage adults seeking an otherworldly experience.

Prepare to delve into the depths of your wildest dreams as our enchanting masseuses weave together reality and imagination, crafting a massage fantasy that transcends the mundane. Surrender yourself to the unknown, for in this sensuous sanctuary, passion intertwines with spirituality, setting the stage for a journey of unbridled pleasure and liberation.

With a mastery of the arcane art of touch, our mesmerizing tantric experts employ the enigmatic power of massage x. Unleashing the dormant energy within, they guide you through a symphony of sensations that dance upon your skin, awakening desires you never knew existed.

In the embrace of our captivating masseuses, inhibitions are shattered, and boundaries dissolve. As the rhythmic flow of their hands navigates the contours of your being, you will be transported to a realm where time stands still and ecstasy reigns supreme.

Unleash your desires and embrace the extraordinary – dive into the world of tantric massages in Fuengirola today and awaken the essence of your true self.

Choose Tantric Massages Fuengirola for the best erotic massage experience.

Anabel Masajista Erotica Tantra Fuengirola


Anabel, is your guide to a world where desires are fulfilled, and inhibitions are shed.

masaje erotico eva


The enchantress Eva brings with her a distinct charm and charisma that captivates all who cross her path.

camila masseuse colombian fuengirola erotic massage


Camila is a new Erotic Masseuse in Fuengirola, she will guide you into the realm where the fantasies come to life.

Angelica tantric fuengirola


With Angelica, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane transforms into the sublime.

Sofia Tantric Massages Fuengirola


Sofia is a master of the provocative, guiding you into uncharted territory, where fantasies come to life.

Our Erotic Massages

Best Choice Book Now

Experience the ultimate relaxation with the diverse range of erotic massages available at Tantric Massage Fuengirola. Our carefully crafted massage menu includes a range of exclusive individual and couples massages, including classic bodymassage, interactive, Asian Massage, four hands, Yoni Massage, Nuru Massage and the luxurious Deluxe sensual massage.

Our stunning masseuses are trained in the ancient art of tantric massage and possess expertise in the art of erotic massage. Select the masseuse of your choice to indulge in one of the most unforgettable massages of your life.

Book now your massage mit happy end and surrender to the sensual touch of our skilled masseuses. Experience the best erotic massage with Tantric Massages Fuengirola with the city’s most beautiful and talented masseuses.


Interactive Erotic massage Fuengirola

The Interactive Massage combines traditional tantric massage and sensual bodywork with a modern, interactive twist.

€ 100 / 30 min

€ 150 / 60 min

€ 230 / 90 min


Deluxe Massage Fuengirola

Looking for the ultimate indulgence in erotic massage? Look no further than our Deluxe Massage, the most pleasurable experience you will ever have.

€ 200 / 60 min

€ 300 / 90 min


Body to Body Massage Fuengirola

The body to body massage Fuengirola is a treatment is designed to awaken your senses and transport you to a world of pure pleasure.

€ 100 / 60 min

€ 150 / 90 min


Frequently Asked Questions

We seek to offer from Tantric Massages Fuengirola an intimate and sensitive experience that leads the body to unique sensations. Working the body where our masseurs will demonstrate all their sensual gifts combined with their favorite oil, or the one you prefer.

We want our wide variety of erotic massages to help you choose the one with which you feel best. Your experience is also ours, so we want you to know the total freedom you have when selecting the massage you prefer, the masseuse you are looking for and the oil with which to increase this erotic massage. We will take care of the details necessary to offer the best possible service.

10 years as a reference within Fuengirola has allowed us to turn into a first class massage center.

Our center is fully equipped, we have four independent luxury rooms where you can enjoy massages. We have created a unique environment for your senses to soar, incense, candles and relaxing music to make your experience unforgettable.

The center has showers, lighting to give atmosphere, piped music, real candles and much more to generate a unique experience that you want to repeat.

When you get to the center, we will attend you and offer:

Maximum cleaning: We take great care of cleaning, 100% scrupulous in always cleaning all the rooms when leaving.

Relatives: Closeness to the client, we offer solutions and resolve doubts to choose the massage

Discreet: You will never meet anyone, the client is guaranteed discretion in the business

Professionals: Center with cache and with everything according to: masseurs, setting, treatment.

The combination of the best facilities and the best erotic masseurs in Fuengirola make Tantric Massages a unique massage center where you can experience sensations that you had not imagined, your body and mind will be rewarded. Visit our temple!

We accept a variety of payment methods for your convenience:

Credit Cards: We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
Debit Cards: Most debit cards with a PIN are accepted.
Cash: We accept exact change or bills that can be broken easily.
Bitcoin: We are happy to accept Bitcoin payments. Please inquire about our current Bitcoin wallet address at the time of your appointment.
PayPal: For your convenience, we accept payments through PayPal. Please request the mail address directly here at the massage center
Bizum: If you prefer to use Bizum, we can process your payment through this method as well. (Service provided by Spanish Banks)